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Luis A. Sanchez


Trust Wills & Probate

Under Insured Motorist
Attorney near me



Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum 

Degree, University Name, 2023
Degree, University Name, 2023

Bar Number: 44877
Admittance: 4/22/2023

Certification, Description
Certification, Description
Board Membership, Description
Civic Activity, Description

Madera County


Our client while working for a dairy company was struck head on at a high speed. The defendant lost control of his vehicle crossing into our client’s lane causing the head on collision. Our client sustained head, back, and chest injuries. We obtained the policy limits from the defendant and a settlement from our client employer’s Under Insured Policy.  

Truck Driver vs. Truck Driver

County of Saint Francis, Arkansas


We represented a semi-truck driver who was traveling on the I-40 when the defendant also driving a semi-truck driving the wrong way on I-40 crashed with our client head on. Our client sustained injuries to head, face, neck, back, shoulder, and left knee. 

Driver vs. Forklift

Madera County


Defendant was unloading beehives off of a Semi-truck parked on a lane of a two-way road during the early hours while still dark. The forklift was blocking our client’s lane without any signs, reflectors, or warnings sign. Our client was not able to avoid the collision and sustained head, chest, shoulder, knee, and foot injuries.   

Driver vs. Driver (City Employee)

Madera County

We represented a driver who was struck by city employee who failed to stop at a control intersection, where our client had the right of way, and broadside her vehicle causing injuries to our client’s face, neck, back, arm, and knee. 


Slip and Fall

Madera County


Our client slipped as she was exiting a portable restroom while attending an outside event. The business hosting the event failed to maintain safe conditions for their patrons resulting in our client’s slipping accident causing foot injuries.  

Driver vs. Driver 

County of San Bernadino

$100,000 policy limits

We represented a driver who was struck by an oncoming car while waiting at a stop sign. The defendant fell at sleep at the wheel and crashed into our client causing our client back and knee injuries. 

Construction Worker vs. Simile Construction 

County of Fresno


We represented the family of a drywall installer who died after falling from the defendant’s scissor lift, which had its guardrail removed. We represented the worker’s two young children and his mother. The defendant claimed our client fell while climbing up the side of the lift, although no one witnessed his fall. 

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