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Suffering from Dog Bites? Get an Attorney near Me in Fresno, California

Dogs are supposed to be man’s best friend, but they don’t always act the way they should. Some dogs are aggressive by nature. Others attack out of fear or because of provocation. It’s important to know the whole story and to take action against anyone who has not controlled their animal. Their pet may have a history of violent actions against others or be known to bite. It might be on record as having attacked someone in the past. All of that matters, because a dangerous dog should not be let around strangers or others who could be harmed.

Vicious dog bites can leave victims with serious injuries that require dedicated medical care. Infections are possible, and victims may struggle with post-traumatic stress disorder and other lasting repercussions. Depending on the age and size of the person who was attacked, the bite could have lasting implications for their overall health. It’s essential that the owner of the dog is held liable for their pet’s actions. They should be asked to cover the cost of medical bills, to replace lost wages and to make sure that their animal won’t attack again.

At the Law Offices of Michael C. Gong, clients rest easy knowing that their attorney is there to protect their interests and to fight for fair compensation after a dog bite. This is a significant attack, and victims should not have to focus their time on litigation. The legal office does work on a contingency basis, so victims of injuries don’t have to worry about upfront costs. For an attorney near me that works hard for you, call today at 1-559-222-0012 to obtain a free consultation. Victims may also email or submit a contact form. The firm will be in touch shortly. Se Habla Español.


Michael C. Gong - A Professional Law Corporation

Fresno, CA

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